Sunday, January 13, 2008


There are a million little kids in counties in poverty. I know that a lot of places that you can sponsor children from cheat people out of their money and only about half goes to the children and I know that the sponsor people can be extremely annoying when they send you all that extra crap about sending more money and having other people sign up and stuff, but knowing that a little kid is getting helped makes it worth it.

I am currently sponsoring a 11 year old girl in Ethiopia named Emebet. She is so cute! And at times when I question why I signed up to sponsor her, the next day or so I'll get a letter from her in the mail and it makes me happy and ready to help again. Like God is trying to help me stay on track to help her. She always sends me these cute little pictures she's drawn of cars and animals and herself. And then I remember why I do it. The people who I sent the money to is Compassion.

So what I'm trying to say is we as God's children should help his other children in need, whether it be helping out in your community or sponsoring a child. Do something! Remember ARKs?
And if you are currently sponsoring a child somewhere, that's great! And if your not and you would like to, check it out here.

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