Monday, December 31, 2007

First Post!

OK, so this is the first entry. Right now this doesn't look to hot, I know, but I hope I get a bunch of people to get on every once and a while to post or just read the entries or whatever.

This blog is about finding people who can help with our walk with God and just trying to survive being a teen when times are hard. And I know it happens. It has happened to me last year.

I got the idea for the blog from my preacher, David, who was talking about we need to make sure that we don't just sit back and think that someone else is going to do everything and we can just go through our lives with nothing to do with helping others. And how a ripple affect can spread farther than we think it does. So I thought I could start with this.

And I'm still working on everything, so tell me if you have any suggestions. :D

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